THE DEATH PENALTY Thirty-eight of fifty states in the United States use the death penalty as a punishment for convicted criminals.The ordinarily methods of the death penalty is: electrocution, firing squad, gas chamber, hanging, and lethal injection.The citizen says that its better to execute the criminals than put them in jail for the rest of there lives on the taxpayers money. The Death Penalty are used only on the criminals that have murdred someone, raped someone or treason. Some murders kills there victems when they are under the influence of drugs or alcohol,when logical thinking has been suspendent, in those cases it's almost impossible to convict the criminals. The Death Penalty rids USA of threating persons, but it most likley allows for the criminal to die before any repentance or sorrow. In twentyeight of the thirtyeight states that practice the Death Penalty, physicians are required to participate in the executions, which is against the human rights of the physician, as well those criminal. All of the United States citizens in these groups, as well as those citizens in the more than fifty other similar groups, have one thing in common- the urgent call to abolish capital punishment in this country. NIZAR